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  • 2015-01-01
    The fan that comes with it is not enough. Excellent processor
  • 2015-01-01
    This processor is a plane. it's like a cbr 600 asks for more and more .. if they have the opportunity to acquire not be disappointed ..
  • 2015-01-01
    The fan that comes with it is not enough. Excellent processor
  • 2015-01-01
    This processor is a plane. it's like a cbr 600 asks for more and more .. if they have the opportunity to acquire not be disappointed ..
  • 2014-12-31
    This CPU is destroying everything I throw at it from games to video editing. All this while staying under 50C with the h100i cooler, I am very satisfied.
  • 2014-12-31
    It's working as well as expected. Haven't stress-tested it yet, but I'm sure it will stand up to any abuse that can be thrown at it. Good product.
  • 2014-12-31
    Love it! Awesome upgrade from an old Core2 Duo. Cloned the C:/ to an SSD, 8GB Hyper RAM and a 2nd monitor and Viola!! Its like a Ferrari!!
  • 2014-12-31
    didn't match 1155 motherboard..*24/3 bought z97. it was a good cpu after all.
  • 2014-12-31
    This CPU is destroying everything I throw at it from games to video editing. All this while staying under 50C with the h100i cooler, I am very satisfied.
  • 2014-12-31
    It's working as well as expected. Haven't stress-tested it yet, but I'm sure it will stand up to any abuse that can be thrown at it. Good product.
  • 2014-12-31
    Love it! Awesome upgrade from an old Core2 Duo. Cloned the C:/ to an SSD, 8GB Hyper RAM and a 2nd monitor and Viola!! Its like a Ferrari!!
  • 2014-12-31
    didn't match 1155 motherboard..

    *24/3 bought z97. it was a good cpu after all.
  • 2014-12-30
    This thing have not disappoint me, run ton of games in ultra along with my gaming pc, super fast clock, well the best bought I have made until now.
  • 2014-12-30
    It's a beast!
  • 2014-12-30
    This thing have not disappoint me, run ton of games in ultra along with my gaming pc, super fast clock, well the best bought I have made until now.
  • 2014-12-30
    It's a beast!
  • 2014-12-30
    Replaced my Fx 6300 that was overclocked to 4.7ghz with this i7. The i7 beats it hands down running at only 4 ghz.
  • 2014-12-30
    I ordered this for a new computer build. So far (just over a month) it has been perfect. Easily overclocked to 4.7Ghz, but I normally only run it at stock speed. It does seem to run a little hotter than I expected. I run this system pretty hard with video and sound editing, and have never seen it peak out for more than a second or two at a time. It far exceeded my expectations. I performed a video conversion using Media Converter 8, and with my previous system (Pentium D 3.6Ghz) it took just about twelve minutes to convert a 21 minute video clip. This system with the 4790k performed the same exact conversion in just over 2 minutes. Plus, I am able to run virtual machines in VMware Workstation with absolutely no delay or lag of any kind. I couldn't be happier!
  • 2014-12-30
    Replaced my Fx 6300 that was overclocked to 4.7ghz with this i7. The i7 beats it hands down running at only 4 ghz.
  • 2014-12-30
    I ordered this for a new computer build. So far (just over a month) it has been perfect. Easily overclocked to 4.7Ghz, but I normally only run it at stock speed. It does seem to run a little hotter than I expected. I run this system pretty hard with video and sound editing, and have never seen it peak out for more than a second or two at a time. It far exceeded my expectations. I performed a video conversion using Media Converter 8, and with my previous system (Pentium D 3.6Ghz) it took just about twelve minutes to convert a 21 minute video clip. This system with the 4790k performed the same exact conversion in just over 2 minutes. Plus, I am able to run virtual machines in VMware Workstation with absolutely no delay or lag of any kind. I couldn't be happier!
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