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  • 2014-07-15
    I Know Fast.My bike will go 170 MPH, my car will do 0-60 in 3 seconds, my girl will,...ah,, processor is a 4790K.I've said before that I'm out of the overclocking business. I mean, I kicked the habit, but like a junkie I started reading the articles and I see the higher base clock and smoother power delivery, improved thermal interface material and lower temps and in a dream state, I placed an order. Through the gauzy haze of the evening sky, one dusty footstep succeeding the next, I entered,...The Devil's Canyon. Did your lights just flicker too?Next thing I know I have packages arriving and out pops a 

    MSI Z97M


    16 GB of Kingston 2400 Mhz RAM

    , a 

    Hyper 212 EVO

     along with a 

    SanDisk Extreme Pro SSD

     among all the rest of it. It may be time to remove that credit card information, so I have to enter it to make a purchase.I spent $1050 using a 

    Cooler Master N200 case

     and an 

    Antec High Current 620W

    , case fan and wireless along with what I mentioned earlier, which altogether might be $50 cheaper today, you know how that goes. I already had the video card and I'm skipping the optical drive, I'll go external for storage, not wanting the extra heat.I was overclocking back when we used aquarium pumps and chests full of ice water for cooling our CPU's, strange days, but I haven't been for about a decade, so call me an old newb (on second thought, don't ever call anybody that), but I've tried to catch up with LOTS of research.I wanted to be reasonable and still end up with something that would humiliate the 3.4/up to 3.9 GHz 4770 plus SSD I'm using with a GTX 660 Ti. That upgrade did little to impress me over Sandy bridge, in all this recent research that I've done, I found out that the 4770 and 4770K only run 3.7 GHz on all four cores according to Intel. But the 4790K's turbo runs two cores at 4.4 GHz, four cores at 4.2 GHz and all four can be clocked 4.4 or higher, like the four barrel and four speed in a Olds 442. Face it guys, if we could drive our computers to the local drive in, park and open the hood like it was the 1960's, we would.Enough silly nostalgic similes, I want to tell you what happened!I received a recent creation being batch # L419B650 or Malay/2014/week 19/B650. Using it the first day I left it stock and it was weird to be shutting down my computer, but I believe a proper break in requires allowing it to cool and run at operating temperature. Then I did the full burn in and all my heatsinks are sunk. Speaking of heatsinks, this does come with one, that's not designed for overclocking.I first used just the auto overclock and it was stable at 4.5 GHz, I didn't expect the top overclock using a mid priced micro and air. I would of used water cooling if needed, but if the temps are better with this chip and they seem to be, then maybe it's not, it is one of it's selling points after all. After just a little adjusting I'm seeing 4.7 GHz on all 4 cores, a 44x cache with improved RAM timings and I feel like I got a free NOS kit. That's 500 MHz over stock and a 21% faster clock speed than a 4770 and add in the faster RAM and faster SSD and...BAM, I've kicked it up a notch. Remember that on four cores you're starting at 4.2, not 4.4 GHz. It will run Sandra's burn in over and over and Intel's ETU stress test, so I feel it's stable.That Intel Extreme Tuning Utility is really something, you can start playing after dinner and the next thing you know, you smell breakfast cooking. You will want to save your profile in the BIOS anyway, but it shows default and your changes highlighted in an easy to see way.I think I might hit 4.8 with some more time, but maybe not, trying is the fun part after all and I've only restarted it 60 or 70 times. The temps are okay at 80 degrees max and I haven't tried anything to lower them yet so I can up the voltage beyond 1.26, my room is a cool 70.5 degrees F. I've found that just re-installing the heatsink a few times might lo
  • 2014-07-15
    This thing screams. Paired with the Asus Z97A board and 32GB Corsair Dominator RAM
  • 2014-07-15
    I know this was advertised an overclocker's dream chip, and it doesn't quite deliver on that, but does at least reach a bit higher than my other chip. Besides that, at even stock speeds this thing absolutely screams, and with it at the same price point as the 4770K, why would you buy anything else?
  • 2014-07-14
    I Know Fast.

    My bike will go 170 MPH, my car will do 0-60 in 3 seconds, my girl will,...ah,, processor is a 4790K.

    I've said before that I'm out of the overclocking business. I mean, I kicked the habit, but like a junkie I started reading the articles and I see the higher base clock and smoother power delivery, improved thermal interface material and lower temps and in a dream state, I placed an order. Through the gauzy haze of the evening sky, one dusty footstep succeeding the next, I entered,...The Devil's Canyon. Did your lights just flicker too?

    Next thing I know I have packages arriving and out pops a MSI Z97M,16 GB of Kingston 2400 Mhz RAM, a Hyper 212 EVO along with a SanDisk Extreme Pro SSD among all the rest of it. It may be time to remove that credit card information, so I have to enter it to make a purchase.

    I spent $1050 using a Cooler Master N200 case and an Antec High Current 620W, case fan and wireless along with what I mentioned earlier, which altogether might be $50 cheaper today, you know how that goes. I already had the video card and I'm skipping the optical drive, I'll go external for storage, not wanting the extra heat.

    I was overclocking back when we used aquarium pumps and chests full of ice water for cooling our CPU's, strange days, but I haven't been for about a decade, so call me an old newb (on second thought, don't ever call anybody that), but I've tried to catch up with LOTS of research.

    I wanted to be reasonable and still end up with something that would humiliate the 3.4/up to 3.9 GHz 4770 plus SSD I'm using with a GTX 660 Ti. That upgrade did little to impress me over Sandy bridge, in all this recent research that I've done, I found out that the 4770 and 4770K only run 3.7 GHz on all four cores according to Intel. But the 4790K's turbo runs two cores at 4.4 GHz, four cores at 4.2 GHz and all four can be clocked 4.4 or higher, like the four barrel and four speed in a Olds 442. Face it guys, if we could drive our computers to the local drive in, park and open the hood like it was the 1960's, we would.

    Enough silly nostalgic similes, I want to tell you what happened!

    I received a recent creation being batch # L419B650 or Malay/2014/week 19/B650. Using it the first day I left it stock and it was weird to be shutting down my computer, but I believe a proper break in requires allowing it to cool and run at operating temperature. Then I did the full burn in and all my heatsinks are sunk. Speaking of heatsinks, this does come with one, that's not designed for overclocking.

    I first used just the auto overclock and it was stable at 4.5 GHz, I didn't expect the top overclock using a mid priced micro and air. I would of used water cooling if needed, but if the temps are better with this chip and they seem to be, then maybe it's not, it is one of it's selling points after all. After just a little adjusting I'm seeing 4.7 GHz on all 4 cores, a 44x cache with improved RAM timings and I feel like I got a free NOS kit. That's 500 MHz over stock and a 21% faster clock speed than a 4770 and add in the faster RAM and faster SSD and...BAM, I've kicked it up a notch. Remember that on four cores you're starting at 4.2, not 4.4 GHz. It will run Sandra's burn in over and over and Intel's ETU stress test, so I feel it's stable.

    That Intel Extreme Tuning Utility is really something, you can start playing after dinner and the next thing you know, you smell breakfast cooking. You will want to save your profile in the BIOS anyway, but it shows default and your changes highlighted in an easy to see way.

    I think I might hit 4.8 with some more time, but maybe not, trying is the fun part after all and I've only restarted it 60 or 70 times. The temps are okay at 80 degrees max and I haven't tried anything to lower them yet so I can up the voltage beyond 1.26, my room is a cool 70.5 degrees F. I've found that just re-installing the heatsink a few times might lower them 5 degrees, because the best install is rarely the first try. Maybe I'll try a second fan on that big ol' rad he ate her. The rated max te
  • 2014-07-14
    This thing screams. Paired with the Asus Z97A board and 32GB Corsair Dominator RAM
  • 2014-07-14
    I know this was advertised an overclocker's dream chip, and it doesn't quite deliver on that, but does at least reach a bit higher than my other chip. Besides that, at even stock speeds this thing absolutely screams, and with it at the same price point as the 4770K, why would you buy anything else?
  • 2014-07-14
    Extremely fast and reliable processor
  • 2014-07-14
    Rips through everything fast, and doesn't require a lot of power to run. I'm running a pretty decent videocard, with this CPU and a Z97 motherboard and a couple SSDs. Only needed a high quality 500 watt power supply to power it all.
  • 2014-07-14
    Best processor i owned
  • 2014-07-14
    excellent processor, intel to now if I solved the problems that had cooling the 4770K and 3770K, let alone the rendimietno. highly recommended if you're a fan of technology
  • 2014-07-13
    Extremely fast and reliable processor
  • 2014-07-13
    Rips through everything fast, and doesn't require a lot of power to run. I'm running a pretty decent videocard, with this CPU and a Z97 motherboard and a couple SSDs. Only needed a high quality 500 watt power supply to power it all.
  • 2014-07-13
    Best processor i owned
  • 2014-07-13
    excellent processor, intel to now if I solved the problems that had cooling the 4770K and 3770K, let alone the rendimietno. highly recommended if you're a fan of technology
  • 2014-07-10
    I was very happy when I received the Boxed 4790K CPU. The batch no. is L352C120. I searched in google and found that L352C120 is not so good in overclocking compare to L4 batch no. However, I tested this CPU in my ASUS Maximus VI. The default VID for 4.4Ghz is only around 1.185V. I overclocked it finally to 4.6Ghz @ 1.21V with memory running 2200Mhz (9-9-10-24-1T) stable with Prime95 for 10minutes. The full load temperature is around 85 C with Antec 920 closed-loop watercooling. I am quite satisfy with this CPU. I think I can lower the loading temperature more if a more powerful cooler is installed. Overall, I am quite satisfy with Amazon service. Thanks !!!
  • 2014-07-09
    This is my 1st Intel CPU since the Pentium days. I have purchased AMD since. I had a AMD Phenom X4 975 (Deneb) That I o/c to 4.1GHz. It's was a fine CPU for it's day, but that was 4 years ago. When I noticed the 4790 on sale for $279.99 I jumped on it. Purchased a ASRock Z97 Extreme 6 (great MB for the money @ $129.99) I'm @ 4.5GHz right now (very stable) even with the small Corsair H50 water cooler! I'm using two 120mm fans for the H50 (push pull) @ staying with relative temps.

    I do feel a little guilty that I left AMD, but let's face it, AMD simply hasn't kept-up for a few years now. Their APU line-up is great for someone that's looking for a budget build. Also finally broke down & scored a Samsung 1TB SS HD. What a HUGE difference. My new build should keep me going for @ least 3 years with a GPU upgrade next year (I have Redeon 7950 currently) I can highly recommend this GPU for gaming! If you can get it on sale for $279.99, then do yourself a favor & grab one.
  • 2014-07-09
    I was very happy when I received the Boxed 4790K CPU. The batch no. is L352C120. I searched in google and found that L352C120 is not so good in overclocking compare to L4 batch no. However, I tested this CPU in my ASUS Maximus VI. The default VID for 4.4Ghz is only around 1.185V. I overclocked it finally to 4.6Ghz @ 1.21V with memory running 2200Mhz (9-9-10-24-1T) stable with Prime95 for 10minutes. The full load temperature is around 85 C with Antec 920 closed-loop watercooling. I am quite satisfy with this CPU. I think I can lower the loading temperature more if a more powerful cooler is installed. Overall, I am quite satisfy with Amazon service. Thanks !!!
  • 2014-07-07
    This chip is really fast!! I managed to overclock to 4.5Ghz, but it gets very hot after that.I fixed up a new DIY computer and am very satisfied with it. For higher speed, you may consider
  • 2014-07-07
    A few months ago I was thinking about upgrading from an AMD A10-6800k to an Intel Core i7-4770k. I wanted to wait a few more months just to see if anything new would come out and I'm glad I waited! Purchased the 4790k along with an ASUS Z97I-PLUS Motherboard and an Intel 180GB 530 Series M.2 Form Factor because why not.Before I upgraded my build I ran a set of 3D Mark benchmarks and here is the list of components I used and the numbers I got after running the Benchmarks.CPU: AMD A10-6800KMotherboard: MSI FM2-A75IA-E53 Mini ITX FM2GPU: Gigabyte Radeon R9 290X 4GB WindforceRAM: 16GB (2x 8GB) AMD Radeon Gamer SeriesPSU: EVGA SuperNOVA 750WCPU Cooler: Cooler Master Seidon 120XL Liquid CPU CoolerSSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GBCase: Cooler Master Elite 130Cloud Gate - 11074Sky Diver - 16252Fire Strike - 6692Ice Storm - 70872And here are the numbers after I upgraded the CPU to the Intel Core i7-4790K, Motherboard to the ASUS Z97I-PLUS, and added the M.2 SSD, All of the other components are the same.Cloud Gate - 28209Sky Diver - 28163Fire Strike - 10133Ice Storm - 159277I am very happy that I made the decision to get the 4790k to replace my A10 because now paired with my R9 290x I can play Battlefield 4 at over 100FPS at 1920x1080 with the default settings making me play on Ultra everything. If you are wanting to upgrade to a nice top of the line CPU and have the cash to spare, I recommend this 100%!
  • 2014-07-07
    This thing is incredible. Super fast clock speeds with low temps on cheap after market cooler. I got mine from my local Micro Center for $279, and I don't know why it's so expensive on Amazon. None the less, I recommend it!

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