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  • 2013-02-09
    I'm a programmer for a living, and more than that I often do contract work moving from company to company, computer to computer, and of course keyboard to keyboard, so I have used a LOT of keyboards. Additionally I type 100+ words a minute. I never paid much attention to the keyboards I used, other than hating the curved ones and generally not liking laptop keyboards, but I can manage them.

    I recently bought a new computer, and decided to get a new keyboard while I was at it, just so everything was shiny. :) I saw this one was washable and picking a keyboard at random, thought washable was kind of a novelty feature and what the heck; give it a try. From the moment I started typing on it I knew I would not be trying another keyboard style for a long time.

    I'm not sure what it is about this keyboard.. maybe it's soft or the keys just work with my typing style. I don't know how to articulate it. I rarely write reviews unless I LOVE a product or HATE a product.. in this case it's all LOVE. This keyboard might not be for everyone, but I would definitely recommend giving it a shot. Other folks generally seem to like it based on the other reviews, and so chances are you will too.
  • 2013-02-08
    I really like this keyboard.
    I don't care about being able to wash it, I don't think I'll ever come to that.
    for typing its a grate keyboard.
    I Logitech make grate item and this is now one of my fav.
  • 2013-02-07
    I got this keyboard to replace an EZ-EYES keyboard that I accidently destroyed by spilling a little water on it. I would have liked it better if the letters on the keyboard were of a larger font, but for me, the contrast between white keys and the black letters make this keyboard easier to read in low light situations than the EZ-KEYS keyboard.

    At first I thought that the angle of the keyboard was just a little too low, but somehow it works for me.

    The concave on the surface of these keys are more like a typewriter's keys than that of a computer keyboard's. They float above the keyboard as opposed to sitting in a grove, and they are formed as tiles instead of frustums, so it appears that it would be much more difficult to trap particles underneath or between them.

    I will take the other reviewers word for the water resistance of this keyboard, however I caution you to at least consult the back of the keyboard before attempting to submerge it.

    This keyboard feels solid. I expect it will serve me well for many years. What more can you ask of a keyboard?
  • 2013-02-04
    This keyboard works great. Keys are easy to see, and action is good. I really like the fact that it can be washed.
  • 2013-01-30
    The keys are farther apart than a normal keyboard, so you will need a few days to adjust. But its So easy to clean, really fantastic, I'm hooked. cleans in 10 seconds with a feather duster. haven't had a need to use any water cleaning in 4 months.

    ... Six months later, still love it, working perfectly, great board, very easy to keep clean.
  • 2013-01-30
    I love this keyboard! I use it 10 hours a day in my home office, and am extremely satisfied with how this purchase has turned out. Let me give you a rundown on the pros and cons:

    - The resistance of the keys. They resist just enough so I can rest my fingers on them while I'm formulating a thought, but it only takes a small amount of extra pressure to get the word party started.
    - The softness of the keys. They just feel good.
    - The sound of the keys. No CLACK CLACK CLACK with every keystroke. Nice and quiet. Not silent (I wouldn't like that anyway), but quiet.
    - Holy crap, it's as easy as can be to clean! I work a solid 10 hour day sitting at my desk, which means 2 meals are enjoyed in front of my computer. I'm not sloppy (really!), but y'know, sometimes those croissant flakes jump off the plate and onto my keyboard. Not a problem, just run it under the faucet for a second, do a quick dry with a hand towel and we're good to go.
    - I don't have to worry about spilling my morning coffee on it. It doesn't matter! I can just run it under the faucet to clean it up and I'm back working as normal a couple minutes later.
    - It just looks nice.

    - Wired. It would be great if this was wireless, but I'm not going to cry about it.

    Definitely a keyboard I would recommend. Certainly good for extended use!
  • 2013-01-20
    As my eye get weaker in terms of contrast in dim light this has become my new favorite keyboard I can see, clearly beating out the illuminated Logitech units we also have. [I can not cope with these black things] It is nice and 'chunky' to the touch as well as not wasting desk space with a leading edge for the palms to rest one. The running joke is to find out if it really is dishwasher safe (disclaimer: the maker does not make this claim) but I think they are missing a major market not to be pushing this to the ADA community. Update: Have used this for a few months now and it continues to please.
  • 2013-01-18
    I love this keyboard it's the greatest. I usually have to by a new keyboard at least once every two to three months. Everyone spills something or other when they are at the computer. With two Grandchild, it was getting costly. My son told me about the keyboard. We googled it and found it on Amazon. I would recommend this product to anyone. I is worth the money and more.
  • 2013-01-17
    I bought this at Best Buy, 4 blocks away and same price plus instant gratification.

    I really like it. Especially that the keys are easy to see even in dim light. I do wish it were wireless, though.

    The thing's of moderate size, 17 long. Fits nicely in my under-table slider. The feel is good, although not a touch typist, I'm probably not as sensitive to this as one of my daughters who is quite fast.

    I am thinking about getting another one to use with my more powerful work computer in the back room--the only hurdle is the darn wire.

    update: I DID get another one (from Amazon) and replaced a bulkier Logitech wireless and changed the rating from 4 stars to 5.
  • 2013-01-16
    I have yet to actually wash this keyboard, but it looks DOPE in my home office. The profile is very small, and I really dig the sound the keys make when I type. The color scheme is also brilliantly simple. The high contrast is very easy on the eyes.

    Update -
    I have washed this keyboard several times and it still works flawlessly.
  • 2013-01-16
    So I ordered after all i saw one of the personal finance guru Stacy Johnson recommended on his site... can't be happier with this..I thought bit skeptical at first because I would think it would be more expensive for the features that it claims... this is the most comfortable, portable and cute keyboard I have ever owned...I have used many others types such as wireless ones, but I haven't tried to verify the waterproof features yet...and I am reluctant to do so. After all, it was made for what if water gets in situation than you can soak it and play with it kinda thing..if you know what I meant..
  • 2013-01-16
    This is the keyboard I've been looking for -- and not even for the washable feature -- it's just a beautiful, comfortable, affordable keyboard. Right away, I was able to type quickly and accurately with this keyboard with no problems except for typos of my own. The function keys are helpful, especially for volume and muting. Key placement is traditional and right where I would expect them to be.

    The keys are softer than most keyboards at the same price, and that's what sold me on it. When pushing the key down, it goes down softly the whole distance with only minor resistance during the click action of the key. I would say that standard keyboards require almost no force at first but then require more force for the actual click. I tried out keyboards side by side with my eyes closed before I settled on this one. So far, the only noticeable feature of the keystroke is that it feels unwittingly comfortable.

    In comparison to the Logitech Wireless Keyboard K360 - Glossy Black (920-004088), which is comparable, the K310 keys are much less stiff. I bought a K360 a few months ago and returned it because it was so uncomfortable to type with. The K310 is a wired, full-size version of that keyboard with a bit more polish and finesse.

    The only warning I offer is to disable the sleep button via your OS. The Sleep function button (FN + F12) is right next to the volume up button (FN + F11), so I imagine it could be frustrating to accidentally put the computer to sleep when you only wanted to turn the volume up. I set my sleep function button to do nothing, just in case I accidentally push it in the middle of something important.

    Overall, it's a stunning keyboard worth some attention.
  • 2013-01-15
    If I was rating this as a keyboard alone it would be a 3 star product. For me being able to take this thing to the sink and wash the grime off without worrying about damaging it is its major selling point. However it is also a well built keyboard, the keys feel nice but are not the best I've ever used. The white on black coloring is also quite nice looking and readable. If I was rating this as a keyboard alone it would be a 3 star product. The cord is quite long which is also a big plus for me.
  • 2013-01-15
    Got this christmas 2012 and love it. Very nice feel to it. If I ever spill anything food/drink, it's good knowing my keyboard won't be ruined!
  • 2013-01-12
    i use this at work and always get compliments. occasionally others will use my computer anyways, now i can sanitize the keyboard properly without have to worry about breaking it with cleaning products/water. the keys are fairly silent and feel just about right
  • 2013-01-10
    This keyboard has easy-to-read keys and it's washable. It's awesome. It would be nice if the Caps lock key was back lit.
  • 2013-01-09
    I love the way it sounds, the depression of the keys, the color, the stickiness of the rubber base bumpers... everything is just right. Even the size is right.

    Way to go logitech, this keyboard is king.
  • 2013-01-07
    This keyboard is great, it was a Christmas gift for my techy boyfriend and he loves it. And best of all it's easy to clean, just run it under the faucet!
  • 2013-01-06
    I have ruined so many keyboards lately by spilling stuff on them and having them get stuck keys we ran out of old used keyboards to replace them. My son worked for a computer dealer a few years ago and got good deals on computers so he had a stock of them stored away. As they all died the running joke was we were going to have to stock up on more keyboards just so Mom could stay on the computer. Of course it didn't help that we got a new cat that thinks anything liquid must be spilled in order to taste it including anything liquid on my computer desk.

    So I was on the last keyboard and trying to protect it from danger and dang if I didn't spill something on it. I knew it was time to start looking. When I saw this keyboard that could actually be cleaned in water I thought it was too good to be true. The price was good and it had pretty good reviews on the web so it became my Christmas present from my son. I was so glad I was able to return his last spare keyboard to him while it still worked--I didn't tell him about the spill--it was just on the numbers sections.

    This keyboard is just fine. It doesn't have mechanical keys which I guess means the keys are shallower and don't have the same feel as the usual office keyboard. But they feel fine to me--much better than the shallow keys on my notebook. My only problem is that this keyboard may be a tiny bit smaller than my old ones--I tend to bump the caps lock button when reaching for the letter 'a' but it is very easy to fix and no where near as annoying as having a key that won't work at all like I had before. I like the white keys (maybe they are gray) against the black background. The keys seem to have little decals on them showing the letter so I hope those stay on; I've been using it daily for about a month now and they look good, no signs of coming loose or wearing off.

    I haven't needed to dunk it in the sink to wash it yet but it is nice to know I can if I have to. Hubby is the one that always has food on his keys because he tends to snack at the computer and splatter apple and orange juice on his keys. The area under each key cap is raised up so there aren't any holes under the keys where dust and crumbs can get stuck so I can just tip the keyboard and most specks fall right off.

    The keyboard is very light weight and I was afraid at first it was going to not have the weight to stay put but it has little feet that flip up on the bottom that have little foam pads on them so the keyboard doesn't slide around on my desk.

    All in all, it is a great keyboard and I hope it lasts for years.
  • 2013-01-04
    I've been using this keyboard for two months now and love it. Knowing how quick and easy it will be I just about get excited when it comes time to washing it.

    Previous keywords would get full of gunk and were a pain to keep clean. With this one I simply run it under the facet for a few seconds and it's as good as new. Any grim, gunk, cat hair and my hair simply washes off--even in the areas between the keys.

    The keys are very sturdy and a bit more raised but should be easy for anyone to get use to. I don't see that as a negative.

    Lastly this keyboard is well priced for the ability of being able to run it under the facet to clean it. This is the answer to anyone who has a grimy looking keyboard or is just messy in general.

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