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  • 2015-05-24
    I love my new, nice and clean keyboard as much as I hated my old, mucky keyboard (which was a lot!). I've been using it for about a month now and it already has a couple of coffee stains on it, but I don't care because I can just wash them off!!! I'm happy : )
  • 2015-05-18
    No longer in production?

  • 2015-05-12
    Awesome keyboard... I was hesitant to pay a higher price as I normally buy the cheapest one I can find but am glad I spent a little extra.
    The feel is excellent and the fact that is cleanable is even better. Five stars
  • 2015-05-03
    Had this for a couple years, very cool, keys have a somewhat mechanic feel. Only paid 30 dollars on amazon at the time. Not sure why the price has skyrocketed....
  • 2015-04-28
    Love this keyboard! I work from home and abuse keyboards past what most keyboards can endure. I finally broke down and got a washable one after an errant toddler spilled yet another drink on yet another cheap keyboard. This one? Dunk it, spill on it, heck, go ahead and throw up on it (my kid did!). Then stick it in the dishwasher and get back to work. It washes wonderfully. The feel and use are the same as regular keyboards, no squishy keys or delayed typing.

    I highly recommend this product to anyone with children, pets, or who might eat lunch at their work space. It'll save you heartbreak and lost keyboard time in the long run.
  • 2015-04-22
    This is the BEST keyboard. Keys are comfortable to my fingers. I have 2 of these now. Bad news is I think they stopped making them.

    I have washed it, under running water. Can't stand the grime that builds up on traditional keyboards. Nice touch with the little brush they include, it allows you to get under the keys to wipe out dirt and grime.
  • 2015-04-18
    It's a standard keyboard just like every other keyboard. However, it's washable!!! I've washed it at least 3 times and after every wash, it is basically like brand new. Normally, I would have to buy 3 keyboards.
  • 2015-03-23
    I swapped out my work keyboard for this keyboard. It's been a few weeks and I think this might be my favorite keyboard. It's really easy to type on and the function keys a very nice. I haven't had to wash it yet but I'm sure it'll need it soon.
  • 2015-03-21
    Really is washable, second one for another computer and the first has lasted well over a year with at least 5-6 washes with no issues.
  • 2015-03-16
    Great build quality, truly washable, great for clean freaks, great 'click' sound when pressing each key. High quality product that I'd order again anytime....
  • 2015-03-14
    I love that the keys are solid white, with laser etched characters. This is very good for me. I have no trouble seeing these keys, and no trouble hitting the wrong keys.
  • 2015-03-10
    You should have seen the face my techy friend made when I ran this under the sink at his house.


    Also keys are pretty nice.
  • 2015-03-06
    i use it outdoors and it is great -washable is a must each week
  • 2015-02-28
    I really like this keyboard. White keys are visible under mere monitor light. Good touch.
  • 2015-02-24
    An Amazing nice designed Keyboard, it's the best one i've ever used, and if there is even a wireless one, it would've been even much better, this is by far the best keyboard i've had, very comfortable to use as well & i can type as fast without any problem

    had it for for two weeks now, great for Daily usage
  • 2015-02-24
    Very easy to type quickly, cleans super easy, and has survived my children so far. Love it.
  • 2015-02-21
    Great keyboard, holds up amazingly.
  • 2015-02-18
    absolutely love this keyboard.
  • 2015-02-17
    I love this keyboard. I'm a klutz so I'm bad about spilling stuff on my keyboard. I've had to wash it twice and it still works great.
  • 2015-02-15
    Love this keyboard! Easy to rinse off when dusty or sticky from kids fingers. Keys are quiet. Reminds me of a Mac keyboard. Had it for a few months and had no issues.
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