This processor hardly moves a muscle when working. I've only seen it go to 26% unlike my Intel Pent 4 Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz would hit 100% at times. Price could be better.
Such a nice cpu. I'm reviewing this kind of late now and I think the 6xxx series are out. But I have this running at 4.7ghz with an h110i cooler and it performs just so well.
Switching from an AMD 9750 rig to this processor and the differences are crazy. The AMD processor ran to hot even with a H100 liquid cooler but intel certainly knows how to make processors correctly. The only con is the price but after o saved up for a new processor and motherboard it was absolutely worth it.
So much to like about this processor. I don't even know where to begin, it's THAT good. No matter what games I try, if I were to relate it to a champion athlete - I would say this little lady never breaks a sweat and doesn't even start breathing hard. She's sweet and likes to please, so what's not to like?!
This sucker is fast! I retired my old Core 2 Duo build and put this in my new setup. Wow, what a world of a difference! It's been a decade since my last overclocked PC so I'm excited to see how far I can push this beast. Intel has been on top of their game ever since they took the CPU crown away from the AMD Athlon series. This CPU is outstanding for any and every purpose.
Customer Reviews (4915)
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99
US$ 299.99