Customer Reviews (4915)

  • US$ 68.39



    It's perfect, exactly as expected and what I was looking for in terms of size and material. The design is cool too.
  • US$ 78.99



    Thank you had issues with the first one They helped me by sending another one and it works has been since the first one was a dud but the company that sold this to my father honored the replacement. this one is good, no issues and he really likes it. as we all know Wireless mouses are temporary for use but it is nice to have comfortable instead of a cord one.
  • US$ 78.99



    Thank you had issues with the first one They helped me by sending another one and it works has been since the first one was a dud but the company that sold this to my father honored the replacement. this one is good, no issues and he really likes it. as we all know Wireless mouses are temporary for use but it is nice to have comfortable instead of a cord one.
  • US$ 68.39



    No defects, good product.
  • US$ 78.99



    Quality product
  • US$ 68.39



    Exactly as advertised. Another excellent corsair product
  • US$ 78.99



    Quality product
  • US$ 78.99



    Love it
  • US$ 78.99



    Just Amazing, Logitech Products are always great.
  • US$ 68.39



    muy buena calidad de productos
  • US$ 78.99



    Great mouse, comfortable and features are super nifty. Tends to get lag on Mac OS, not the end of the world but can be frustrating - hence -1 star. Works via bluetooth and wireless receiver.
  • US$ 78.99



    Great mouse, comfortable and features are super nifty. Tends to get lag on Mac OS, not the end of the world but can be frustrating - hence -1 star. Works via bluetooth and wireless receiver.
  • US$ 78.99



    Love it
  • US$ 78.99



    Just Amazing, Logitech Products are always great.
  • US$ 68.39



    who wouldn't want an LED precision mousepad for $37.99? i have had this for over a month now and no complaints. the light on the perimeter of the mouse pad can be mesmerizing, almost lave lampesque. just dial the speed down, find a soothing color, and bam the table/desk/wall reflects a soft changing color. oh and the pad is nice too, but i am still trying to figure out how to clean it. i live in a very dusty place, so dust build up is always an issue on my laptop and mouse pad. one day, i will live in a place without so much dust.
  • US$ 68.39



    Quality thay you can feel, great mouse mat.
  • US$ 68.39



    Inicialmente pedí una alfombrilla Logitech, la G440 con muy buena pinta, de similares dimensiones y precio... error por mi parte no darme cuenta de que era una alfombrilla de superficie dura y deslizante, siendo que yo buscaba una alfombrilla de tela, de gamuza , que aportara algo más de grip al ratón y de paso transpire y no haga sudar la base de la mano... asique miré las alternativas que daba Logitech... y a punto estuve de gastarme los 27€ que valía la G640... hasta que pensé ¿estamos locos?, 27€ en una alfombrilla para ratón? asíque comencé a mirar alternativas... y así me crucé con la genial Corsair MM100.Similares dimensiones que la g640, mismo (teórico) grosor... etc etc. y por menos de 10€!!!! fui de cabeza a por ella.Una vez en mis manos destaca el peso que tiene y el excelente grip en su parte inferior que hace que no se mueva o deslice de donde la colocas. El tacto de la tela es agradable, suave, y ofrece la resistencia adecuada, tal vez la definiría como media, al deslizamiento del ratón. La única pega que puedo ponerle es que, para mi gusto y expectativas, peca de fina . Si, tiene los 3 mm de rigor que tienen practicamente todas las alfombrillas de gaming que se precien (como mínimo) pero como que... cunden poco, son 3mm muy vacíos siendo que otras que he probado (si, ok, por el triple de precio) daban más sensación de amortiguación, mas comodiad al apoyo de la mano.Pero... hey! menos de 10€! debo admitir que cumple más que de sobra las expectativas. Además, en cuanto a la durabilidad, después de más de 2 meses de uso intensivo no da signos de pelarse o deshilacharse, o de deterioro alguno.En RESUMEN: Una escelente compra, alfombrilla más que recomendable, con acabados premium , buen tacto, buena construcción... y un precio imbatible hablando de una marca de renombre como lo es Corsair. 4 estrellas.
  • US$ 78.99



    i had a 3 versions of this design all have lasted a long time an i still have my anywhere 2 use it for design an editing photos
  • US$ 68.39



    My review is for the hard surface wireless charging mousepad, not the RBG one. I got this mousepad because I wanted to try out a hard mousepad, and also wanted to test out wireless charging on my iPhone X. When it was delivered, I was surprised at the size of it, it was much larger than I expected, at least 3 times bigger than my last pad. The pad itself is hard, and very sturdy, it doesnt slide around at all, I tried pushing from each side with nothing weighing it down and it doesnt budge. The cords coming out of it for the run through system are USB, and very thick, and there are two of them so if you dont have many USB ports I could recommend a hub if you need. The wireless charging area itself is actually quite small. Theres a very small circular region in the top right corner that works and thats it. I put my phone on it, and it worked, through the case even. I then tested the adaptor that is included for the lightning port and that also worked. It also includes a USB C adaptor, but I dont have any devices but I would assume that would work just as well. The LED indicator tells if your device is charging efficiently or not which is useful. I would definitely recommend this mousepad, even just as a mousepad, the wireless charging thing is a bonus.
  • US$ 68.39



    Ottimo tappetino per mouse, do solamente 4 stelle perchè il prezzo è un po altino e mi è arrivato leggermente scucito, per il resto buon tappetino con una superficie molto scorrevole, consigliato!
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